Friday, 9 December 2016

Why BigCommerce Experts Advise you to switch to Stencil?

Have you heard about Stencil? If you are on BigCommerce, there are high chances that you have. In case you haven’t, it is BigCommerce’s new approach to front-end and theme development. At DIT Interactive,our Experts team work extensively with BigCommerce and have already tried our hands at Stencil. We have been blown away by it. Here are some reasons why

1. Flexibility :

BigCommerce designers and developers always strive for flexibility. By doing away with ‘Global Variable,’ Stencil offers just that. Global Variable used to be a block of code in an email or product page that couldn’t be altered. How frustrating is that? Stencil, instead, uses handlebar templating language. It gives you the freedom and the flexibility to manipulate the code any time.

2. Time Saving :

Time is Money. How many times have you heard that? As a BigCommerce development company, we constantly run into customers who desire speed. Stencil lends speed to BigCommerce developers and designers by letting them make changes to the dummy site using current data. A preview of that can also be shared with the client, and all of this happens without impacting the live site. If the client needs custom design for their Bigcommerce website, this method can help save time. Moreover, Stencil also supports local development which is another way of conserving time.

3. Webpage Speed :

Site speed is extremely crucial to success. Despite a great store design, your BigCommerce site might falter if it takes too long to load. Our experience suggests that delays in site can lead to a massive decrease in conversion rate. Would you ever want your conversion rate to fall? Not really, right? Stencil makes use of modern standards in order to speed up your web page. If you use Stencil’s default sample images and its master theme, you can derive a Google Page Score of 89 on Desktop. That is incredible!

4. Multi – Device Performance :

Clients, these days, are especially concerned about their site’s performance on different devices. Our BigCommerce design and development process involves the creation of a synchronized site performance across all devices. Stencil helps you view your changes in real time on all devices. In other words; when you make changes, they will reflect simultaneously on mobile, desktop, and phone. How does this help? Previously, you could make a change to your desktop site and unknowingly upset your site’s phone version. It could be the other way around too. Stencil eliminates those inefficiencies.

5. Efficiency :

Stencil uses YAML Formatting – a modern Javascript language that helps make your site efficient. Let us take an example. If you previously wanted to load 10 items from a catalog collection, the entire catalog will be loaded and you will need to hide what wasn’t necessary. As you can guess, that process was laced with inefficiencies. In Stencil, though, you can show just the desired portion of your catalog grid without slowing down the page.These are some of the many reasons that make Stencil appealing to any BigCommerce developer and BigCommerce designer.

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